गूगल अनुवाद करे (विशेष नोट) :-
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{Rs.1,00,000 and a plaque of honour}

Objective: To recognize and honor persons for promoting Subjects of Humanities in Medical Educations & Practice

Nominations are invited on plain paper

Self-nominations are also welcome

(1)  Brief Biodata (250 words)

(2)  Work done for promotion of Humanities in medical education & practice (250 words)

(3)  Your vision about optimum integration of Humanities in Medical Sciences (250 words)

*Both Wheels are necessary for chariot

*Both are complimentary

*Arts and Humanities are neglected in medical education

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Please send the nomination to apoorvaneurogyan@gmail.com before 31st July 2025.

Result by 31st August 2025.

Award Ceremony September 2025

For More details visits: www.neurogyan.com

*Dr. Satendra Singh MD Professor & Head, Dept. of Physiology, Head, Division of Health and Humanities, St. John’s Research Institute & St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore
*Dr. Narayana Krishnappa M.D. Professor and Head,
Department of Pharmacology, Sri Siddharth Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Center, Nelamangala, Karnataka, India
*Dr. Upreet Dhaliwal Ex-Professor of Ophthalmology, Former Director-Prof. of Ophthalmology, University of Medical Sciences, University of Delhi
*Dr. Mario Vaz Professor & Head, Dept. of Physiology, Head, Division of Health and Humanities, St. John’s Research Institute & St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore    
Patron Founder
Late Dr Sunil Pandya (Ex.Professor & Head) Dept. of Neurosurgery,  G.S. Medical College & K.E.M. Hospital, Parel, Mumbai
Dr. Ravi Ramakantan, Ex-Professor & Head, Dept. of Radiodiagnosis G.S. Medical College &  K.E.M. Hospital, Parel, Mumbai
Dr. Apoorva Pauranik Emeritus Professor of Medicine (M.G.M. Medical College &  M.Y. Hospital, Indore) Members
Dr. Mario Vaz, Bangalore
Dr. Upreet Dhaliwal, Delhi

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